Sharia Law. Impose it. Enforce it. And all in an effort to wear down and destroy everyone who refuses to submit to Mohammed and the deity of his religion …
By Sonia Rana, Pakistan Tribune – “Proscribed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has once again denied having involvement in the attack on a Peshawar church last month but said it was according to Sharia.
‘We didn’t carry out the church attack. However, we believe it’s according to the Sharia,’ TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid told BBC in a telephonic interview from an anonymous location on Friday.
He said that there are numerous component groups of TTP but the motives of all of them are same. He, however, refused to tell the exact number of component groups of the organization.
When asked who issues the orders for any attack, spokesperson said free hand has been given to all component groups to choose and attack the enemy targets but they can’t carry out an attack by deviating from the objective of the movement, adding if they do so, the are summoned and punished by Taliban courts.
83 people including five women and four children were killed and nearly 150 injured in twin suicide blasts on a historic church in Qissa Khawani bazaar in Peshawar on September 22.”
Source – Pakistan Tribune.
Daniel 7:25a, “He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law …”
‘We didn’t carry out the church attack. However, we believe it’s according to the Sharia,’ TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid told BBC in a telephonic interview from an anonymous location on Friday.
He said that there are numerous component groups of TTP but the motives of all of them are same. He, however, refused to tell the exact number of component groups of the organization.
When asked who issues the orders for any attack, spokesperson said free hand has been given to all component groups to choose and attack the enemy targets but they can’t carry out an attack by deviating from the objective of the movement, adding if they do so, the are summoned and punished by Taliban courts.
83 people including five women and four children were killed and nearly 150 injured in twin suicide blasts on a historic church in Qissa Khawani bazaar in Peshawar on September 22.”
Source – Pakistan Tribune.