In a sickening attack reported by The Daily Mail, a young mother of two, Tina Nash, Aged 33, had her eyes gouged out by an ex-lover who told her:“You’re never going to see your kids again.”

Jenkins was given a life sentence in a secure mental health unit; he had to serve a minimum of six years in order to be considered for release.
Having tried to deal with the ongoing trauma that horrific attack had on her, Mrs Nash attempted to put her life back together and try the relationship thing once again. Last Christmas, she met Roland Alli, a 32-year-old trainee forklift driver, on Facebook
When it became clear to her that her new lover, Alli was drinking heavily and becoming increasingly possessive over her, she began to have second thoughts about whether the relationship was the right thing for her or not.
On June 16 Alii threatened Nash with a knife at her home in Cornwall, U.K. She recalls how she heard the clinking of knives in the kitchen drawer just before her boyfriend was about to attack her. She told The Sunday Mirror that she knew she was about to be attacked: “It was happening again and my body shot into survival mode.”
Following a spate of bad arguments, Alli agreed to enter into an alcoholics anonymous program to help him with his drinking habit. The couple were off and on for a few months and finally got back together. He then accused Nash of having a relationship with an old flame, a father to one of her two children.
On the night of the attack, she had taken her son to his father.When she returned home Alli became irate and began threatening her. An argument ensued and instead of continuing the row, she went upstairs to her bedroom to sleep. Alli followed her to the bedroom and pushed her to the ground, subsequently grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. She screamed, begging him to release her, at which point Alli stormed out of the room, claiming he was going to the kitchen to fetch a knife.
Fortunately for Nash, Alli had been on the phone to his mother during the argument and she had become alarmed by his tone during the phone call and had called the police. They arrived two minuted later, before Alli had time to attack her. Alli was arrested and taken into custody, pending trial.